Paxton App Reports


iPhone app - Reports

Reports - iPhone App

This Paxton application is available on the Apple App store. The app is designed to run on any iPhone running iOS 5.1 or above and includes high-res images for devices with a retina display.

Starting the App

Once the app is installed the icon below will appear on the device's springboard.

Touch the icon to display the log in view.

  • Enter the Net2 credentials supplied by the Net2 System Administrator.
  • Remember my details
  • Turn ON to store the log in information for use with any subsequent log in.

Reset all credentials

Touching the "Reset all credentials" button removes all the saved data. This is useful when the device is to be used by a different user. A warning message is displayed before any data is cleared.

Help me

Touching the "Help me" button displays the Paxton Apple Apps page within mobile Safari.

Note that all of Paxton iPhone apps require a network connection. If at any point the device loses its network connection a warning message is displayed.

Once the credentials are entered, press the "Log in" button.If the application has been used before with a different organisation, a warning message will advise that previous stored data will be cleared.


Touch the Settings button to display the options. The Site name should be displayed. Touch the arrow button to return to the main screen.

Maximum report rows

This slider allows the user to define how many records should be returned from the server to generate any report; range is from 10 to 1000, with a default of 200.

Giving this a high value with a 3G network could result in long delays before the report is shown.


The following standard reports are available from within the app:-  All events last week-  All events this week-  All events today-  All events yesterday-  Expired tokens-  First and last events-  Last known position-  List all users-  Token last used-  Unused tokens-  Who's been in today?If any custom reports have been defined, they will also be listed.

To run a report just touch the relevant title in the list.

Report display

All reports run in the same way.

For example, if you wish to see when a particular token was used by its owner, selecting the 'Token last used' report will display the following screen.

Due to the limited screen size of the iPhone, only 3 columns can be displayed with an icon included where appropriate.

If the device is rotated, the report will spread out.

Columns can be sorted by touching the relevant header. Touching the same header again will reverse the sort order.

The number of rows retrieved from the server is limited to the value defined in Settings. This can be from 10 - 1000.

Modify and Save a report

Click the cog image to change the 3 fields that are displayed.

This will show a screen where these fields can be selected.Touch Save to generate the report and use these fields every time this report is viewed.

Custom Reports

This will show a screen where these fields can be selected.

Touch Save to generate the report and use these fields every time this report is viewed.

Custom reports are run as standard reports but have an additional 'Criteria' field available to filter the data. Any new layout can then be saved as a new Custom report.

Touch 'Criteria' to view the fields that make up this report.

Fields may be configured to filter the data in the report. Touching a field will display the contents which may be further selected by touching the individual details.

If NO details are selected with a tick then ALL details are included.

Date Range

The date and time are defined in the 'Date range' field. There are general periods; Today, Yesterday, etc. but setting the range to 'Custom' will bring up From and To dates for selection.

Once in a Date screen, a specific Time may also be configured.
You can return to a general catagory by selecting it in 'Date range' and the dates will be de-selected.

Any changes to the current report layout may be saved by touching Save.

Reports may also be Deleted by touching the 'cog' icon on the main screen to display the 'Criteria' screen which has a 'Delete Report' button.

New Report

Custom reports can be created by touching the Add button on the Reports screen.

The criteria screen now opens for the fields to be defined. Name the report and touch Save.

The report is saved on the server PC and is now available for general use. It will display on this device in the Custom report list.

Pass code protection

Setting up a pass code will ensure that only a person that knows the code can use the app.

Select pass code protection by touching the option on the Settings screen and then switch the option ON. Enter and confirm a 4 digit number.

The pass code must now always be entered to run this application.

A user has 3 attempts to get the pass code correct. After that, the app will display a warning message and then close.

Send feedback to the authors

This option will open an email template that allows the user to send any questions they have to the Net2 Anywhere team.

More Paxton apps

This option will display a page in mobile Safari that has a list of all the apps that Paxton has developed, along with links to allow the user to jump straight to the app on the app store.

Site communication status

This option will display a page in mobile Safari that has a list of all the apps that Paxton has developed, along with links to allow the user to jump straight to the app on the app store.

This will show the Net2 Anywhere status of each of the sites in the user organisation.

The refresh button may be used to confirm the current status of communication with the site and provide

a Red, Amber or Green indication on the response times achieved.

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