A great fact to remember is that you’re not most likely to be broken into during the night research actually shows that the majority of domestic burglaries occur between the hours of 6am and 12pm, with the most common item to be targeted being tech – in particular the iPad. Homes with no security alarm or visible measures in place are five times more likely to be burgled than those with simple security measures. A good tip to remember is that Burglars are not fans of a challenge and are opportunists, if they try a window or door and find it unlocked, that’s their target in the bag. Below are some points to consider when keeping your home secure from intruders.
Potential intruders love a place to hide so they can watch your house with prying eyes. Bushes hiding a front door or low hanging trees covering a window are an intruder’s best friend, as is anything that obscures points of entry such as solid fencing meaning nosey neighbours are oblivious to what’s happening.
Even if you are popping out on the school run, you should always do your best to make it look like someone is home and the most important thing to remember is to ALWAYS lock ALL doors and windows, even if you are only going to be out for a few minutes. A tip some of our customers use is Calling back to say ‘bye, see you in a bit’ even when no one is left in the house, especially if there is a potential intruder lurking nearby observing who is off out. If you’re going away on holiday, use timers to switch lamps on when it gets dark or make use of your smart home features to control lighting, open and close curtains and switch the TV or music on and off. Ask a neighbour or friend to call round regularly to pick up the post, sweep any leaves from the door and check that all is well.
If an intruder sees a simple way in, they will obviously make good use of it. Children’s garden toys and rubbish bins are useful props to help an intruder reach an open or unsecured window. Entry points that are weak through disrepair are another favourite of the opportunist, as are unsecured side or back entrances.
Always lock anything away that could be used for climbing and secure bins away from potential entry points. Be sure to keep your doors and windows in good repair and invest in high quality locks for side and back entryways.
We are all embracing the social and digital age, and burglars are no exception. How often do you go on holiday or out for the evening and share your experience with your friends and family by posting photos and updates on your social channels?
Always be mindful when sharing your whereabouts with the world at large, you never know who could be watching. Even with your privacy settings cranked up to high, you still need to be careful, because worryingly, research shows that many burglars actually know their victims. So be on your guard even if you are certain only your ‘friends’ can see your online posts.
If a potential intruder can’t see an alarm or CCTV system, they are certain to be more inclined to attempt an entry.
An intruder alarm doesn’t just act as an excellent security measure, alerting you or a response service to a potential break-in, it also provides a very effective deterrent. This goes for any visible security measure, from CCTV and outdoor sensor lighting to quality locks.
If your worried about your homes security or would like to discuss options to suit your needs in further detail please get in touch with us by the office number or email.